馬爾地夫決定加入IOTC馬爾地夫原本憂心加入區域性漁業合作組織後漁撈量會受限,曾以觀察員的身分參加2屆印度洋鮪類委員21世紀房屋仲介會(IOTC),並就參與IOTC可行性等議題進行協商。馬爾地夫當局表示,現已準備好,提請議會同意加入IOTC,該國目前漁獲量佔借錢印度洋鰹鮪資源的四分之一至五分之一。 (摘譯自INFOFISH Trade News, No. 8/2011,3 May 2011)FISHERIES MINISTRY 長灘島ACCEPTS NEED FOR REGIONAL COLLABORATION IN TUNAFISHINGMaldivian authorities say they are ready to join the 酒店兼職Indian Ocean Tuna Commission (IOTC) despiteinitial reluctance.Officials said that the Maldives is currently 小額信貸responsible for fishing between a quarter to a fifth of theIndian Ocean’s skipjack tuna catch. The country was 面膜now waiting for parliamentary approval to jointhe tuna commission. Maldives has been an observer for two years 辦公室出租collaborating with the IOTCregarding possible membership into the group.In the past, Maldives was reluctant to 濾桶become a member of the IOTC because they were afraid thatthe IOTC will dictate how much fish the Maldives can 當鋪harvest.

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